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本文就我国轴承行业于1983年采用国际标准应该注意的几个问题作了阐述。这些问题是:1.轴承行业采用国际标准的含义或具体目标是什么?2.滚动轴承公差定义(ISO1132-1980)与国标GB1183-80《形状和位置公差术语及定义》有什么关系?与我国现行标准中的术语有什么差别?3.在采用国际标准中,除轴承公差术语有变动外,其它公差术语和名词术语有什么变更吗?为什么要更改?更改的意义何在?4.轴承行业哪些标准已经采用了国际标准?哪些标准准备在1982—1983年采用国际标准?5.微型轴承在采用国际标准后,将有多大的变动?6.我国滚动轴承代号系采用苏联的七位数字法,在国际上特别是在出口市场上造成很不良的后果,而且尺寸系列代号不符合ISO标准,今后如何改进? In this paper, bearing industry in China in 1983 adopted the international standards should pay attention to several issues described. These questions are: 1. Bearing the meaning of international standards or the use of what is the target? 2. Rolling tolerance definition (ISO1132-1980) and the national standard GB1183-80 “shape and position tolerance terms and definitions” What is the relationship with our current What are the differences between the terms in the standard? 3.What is the difference between the terms of the other tolerances and the terminology in the international standard, except the terms of the bearing tolerance? Why change? What is the meaning of the change? Has adopted international standards? Which standards are ready to adopt international standards in 1982-1983? 5. Micro-bearings in the adoption of international standards, how much change? 6. China’s rolling bearing code is the Soviet Union’s seven-digit method, in the international Especially on the export market caused by the very bad consequences, but the size series code does not meet the ISO standards, how to improve in the future?
高山松(Pinus densata Mast)是滇西北高山针叶林区的主要成林树种之一。分布面积约17万公顷,占我省针阔叶林面积的2.5%;蓄积量有1650万立方米,占针阔叶林蓄积的2.8%,仅次于
<正> 我院自1987年4月~1996年12月应用显微外科技术对90例输卵管绝育术后要求复孕的妇女施行输卵管复通术.在显微镜下吻合68例,直视下吻合22例,经随访效果满意,现总结如下.1
<正> 介入技术治疗方法在临床上已普遍开展,但常因护理措施不当而产生并发症,直接影响疗效。我科自1997年1~7月收治19例肿瘤患者,经治疗和精心护理取得满意效果。现将护理体会