我院自 1985年 12月至 2 0 0 2年 9月开展食管癌和贲门癌手术 2 81例 ,现就诊断、晚期病人扩大手术指征、吻合口瘘、吻合口狭窄、肺部并发症及食管癌术后复发再手术问题进行探讨。1 临床资料本组男性 2 14例 ,女性 6 7例 ,男女比例为 3.1∶ 1;年龄34~ 80岁 ,平均 5 9岁。病程
Our hospital from December 1985 to September 2002 esophageal cancer and cardia cancer surgery 2 81 cases, now on the diagnosis of advanced patients with advanced surgical indications, anastomotic leakage, anastomotic stenosis, pulmonary complications and Esophageal cancer recurrence and surgical problems to be explored. 1 Clinical data The group of 14 males and 67 females, male to female ratio of 3.1: 1; aged 34 to 80 years, mean 59 years. Course of disease