
来源 :中国临床研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woshihanxue
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血管前置(vasa previa)是一种少见的产科疾病,其表现为妊娠中晚期无痛性的阴道出血,易误诊为前置胎盘或胎盘早剥,延误处理而致胎儿死亡。国内外发生率仅为0.1%~13.6%。我院收治1例产前出血、血管前置并胎儿死亡病例,现结合文献复习报道如下。1病例介绍患者23岁,G2P0,因“停经40+2周,阴道流血1h”主诉入院。平素月经规律,末次月经:2011年9月25日。孕期按时产查,早期依据B超核对孕周正常,中期行唐氏筛查及糖筛未见异常,孕晚期腹部B超提示胎盘羊水正常。于2012年 Vasa previa is a rare obstetric disorder characterized by painless vaginal bleeding in the second trimester of pregnancy, misdiagnosis of placenta previa or placental abruption, and delayed fetal death. The incidence at home and abroad is only 0.1% ~ 13.6%. A hospital admitted to our hospital prenatal bleeding, pre-vascular and fetal deaths, are now combined with the literature review reported below. 1 case description The patient was 23 years old, G2P0, because “” menopause 40 + 2 weeks, vaginal bleeding 1h "main complaint was admitted. Regular menstruation, the last menstruation: September 25, 2011. Pregnancy, timely production, according to early detection of normal B-week gestational age, medium-term Down’s screening and sugar screening no abnormalities, the third trimester of pregnancy B-ultrasound suggests normal placental amniotic fluid. In 2012