报载,日本现在一些热衷于自己请人调查自己。这些人不惜花上一笔钱去调查所或侦探社,要求调查自己,然后告诉自己是个怎样的人,指出自己的缺点和失误,以利更好地认识自己,吸取教训,防患于未然。 由此反观我们,现实中确有少数领导干部听不得别人的批评或反对意见,一听到这些意见,就感到百爪挠心一样难受,甚至有的怀恨在心,俟机报复。如此这般,也实在有些贻笑大方了。 何以如此?一则有的人面子观念太强或家长作风严重;二则有的人犯有骄傲自满、自视清高或自以为是、固执己见之病。而一提批评或反对意见,必伤其“面子”,必大杀其“威风”。
According to the newspaper, Japan is now keen on asking people to investigate themselves. They spend a sum of money going to the investigating institute or the detective agency, asking to investigate themselves and then tell themselves what kind of person they are, pointing out their shortcomings and mistakes so that they can better understand themselves, learn lessons and take preventive measures. From this we can see that in reality there are indeed a few leading cadres who can not hear others’ criticisms or objections. As soon as they hear these opinions, they feel uncomfortable as they are, and some even hate and revenge. So, it is really ridiculous generous. Why is it? Some people have too many people’s ideas or their parents are in a serious way. Some others are proud and complacent, they are self-assertive and self-righteous. Any mention of criticism or objection will inevitably hurt its “face” and will certainly kill its “mighty prestige.”