国民党内有“军统”、“中统”两大特务组织,1946年夏差点又成立了一个宪兵系统的特务组织。 国民政府军务局第四科曾上呈蒋介石一份材料,内容是宪兵司令部中将司令张镇要求以宪兵司令部为台柱,以东北马占山的名义吸引、招收东北和华北的失业军人,在北方组织“宪统”情报特务组织。材料列举了
Within the Kuomintang, there are two spy organizations such as “military unification system” and “central government system.” In the summer of 1946, a spy organization of the gendarmerie system was almost established. The fourth division of the National Government Military Affairs Bureau was presented with a document by Chiang Kai-shek on the claim that Commander-in-chief Zhang Zhen of the Gendarmerie Command wanted to use the Gendarmerie Command as a pillar to attract and recruit joblessmen from northeast and north China in the name of the northeastern Mazhan Mountain. Organization “Constitution ” intelligence spy organization. Material listed