
来源 :中国钓鱼 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:standups_wu
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说到调漂,不能不牵扯到浮漂受到的浮力,因为它是影响漂子灵敏度的最主要因素。 根据阿基米德定律(浮力定律)我们知道:物体在液体中的浮力等于物体排开液体的重量。据此可知,同体积的浮漂,在没有附加物(坠、钩、饵等)的情况下,漂体露出水面越多,表明其受到浮力越小;漂受到的浮力越小,调试时需加的铅皮就越多,其相对来说对鱼吃饵的反应就越不灵敏。这一点,在以往的不少文章中都有过论述。 Speaking of drift, can not but involve the buoyancy buoyancy, because it is the most important factor affecting the sensitivity of the drift. According to Archimedes’ Law (Buoyancy Law) we know that the buoyancy of an object in the liquid is equal to the weight of the liquid in which the object is drained. Accordingly, the same volume of floats, in the absence of addenda (pendants, hooks, baits, etc.), the floater exposed surface more, indicating that the smaller the buoyancy; drift buoyancy by the smaller, the need to debug The more the lead skin, the more responsive the fish is to the bait. This point, in many previous articles have been discussed.