在水溶液中 ,Cu( )与硫氰酸铵、溴化十六烷基三甲基铵缔合生成沉淀 ,在硝酸钠存在下 ,此沉淀被浮选 .实验表明 ,通过浮选 ,Cu( )可与 Fe( )、Al( )、Co( )、Ni( )、Mn( )等离子完全分离 .方法不仅具有有机溶剂萃取法和非有机溶剂萃取法的优点 ,而且大幅度降低了表面活性剂和盐的用量
In aqueous solution, Cu () and ammonium thiocyanate, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide association precipitation, in the presence of sodium nitrate, the precipitate was flotation.Experiments showed that by flotation, Cu () Can be completely separated from Fe (), Al (), Co (), Ni () and Mn () ions.The method not only has the advantages of organic solvent extraction and non-organic solvent extraction but also greatly reduces the surfactant and The amount of salt