芡实是睡莲科植物芡的成熟种仁,呈圆球形,直径约6毫米,一端色白,另一端棕红,表面平滑,有花纹,质硬而脆。破开后,断面不平,色洁白、粉性。以颗粒饱满均匀、粉性足者为佳。 芡为一年生水生草本植物,生长于池沼湖泊中,我国以苏、湘、鄂、鲁产量最多,其次是豫、冀、赣、闽、浙、川等省。每年10月在种子成熟时割取果实,击碎果皮,取出种子,除去硬壳晒干,即
Fructus Citrifolia is a mature seed of Nymphaeaceae plant. It is spherical in shape and has a diameter of about 6 mm. It is white at one end and reddish brown at the other end. The surface is smooth, with patterns, and it is hard and brittle. After breaking open, the section is uneven, white and pink. It is better to have full and uniform particles and powdery feet. Anthraquinae is an annual aquatic herb that grows in lakes and lakes. China produces the most in Su, Hunan, Hubei, and Lu, followed by Henan, Anhui, Anhui, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, and Sichuan. In October each year when the seed is ripe, the fruit is harvested, the skin is crushed, the seeds are removed, and the hard shell dried.