浩瀚的商海,汹涌澎湃。赶潮!下海!粗犷剽悍的吼声,敲击着人们的心扉。谚语云:“10亿人民9亿商,剩下一亿跑单帮。” 市场经济平等竞争,谁受市场宠爱,谁就赢得胜利。多少年奉行计划经济的国营商业企业,面对如此的形势,一时懵懂了,困惑了,心理不平衡了。叫苦声,叹息声比起彼伏。市场没有怜悯之情,谁有本事谁生存。阳原县商业系统面对市场,适应市场、在资金紧缺、市场疲软的大气候下,他们在激烈的商战中,赢得主动,求得生存,求得发展。全系统800多人,工资月月照发,各企业还有不同程度的奖金,国家规定的各项福利样样都跟着,新调资的增资部分补上了。真是令人羡慕!
The vast sea of commerce, surging. Tide! The sea! Rough rough swagger, knocking on people’s hearts. Proverb says: “One billion people, 900 million businesspeople, the remaining one hundred million run single.” "Market economy equal competition, who loved by the market, who won. In the face of such a situation, state-run commercial enterprises that have pursued a planned economy for so many years have been ignorant, confused, and unbalanced in their minds. Bitter voice, sighs after another. The market has no compassion, who have the ability to survive. Yangyuan County commercial system in the face of the market, to adapt to the market, in a shortage of funds, the market is weak in the climate, they are in a fierce business battle, win the initiative, to survive and seek development. More than 800 people in the system, with monthly salary paid, all enterprises have different levels of bonuses. All the welfare items prescribed by the state follow, and the capital replenishment part of the new transfer of capital is supplemented. Really enviable!