詹姆斯·希尔顿的作品《消失的地平线》在叙述四个西方人在天堂般的香格里拉神奇历险的同时,成功塑造了极具神秘色彩的两个东方人喇嘛张和满族公主罗珍。文章通过深入分析作家对东方人的塑造,力图揭示作品中的中国人不论是被赞扬还是被贬低,被理想化还是被丑化,都在为西方文化的存在提供参照物,帮助其确认自身的价值。西方总是以居高临下的态度俯视东方,而东方从未被真正被表述,永远沉默地位于从属地位。“,”While telling a fantastic adventure yarn of four Westerners in the Edenic land Shangri-la, the novel Lost Horizon suc?cessfully portrays the two Chinese Lama Chung and the Manchu princess Lo-Tsen. Through a deep analysis of these two charac?ters, the paper tries to indicate that Chinese image, as a silent Other constructed ingeniously by the West, complimented or dispar?aged, idealized or uglified, only supplies a foil for the existence of Western culture, helping to affirm the self-value of Western culture. The Occident occupies a superior rank while the Orient as its“other”never represented as what it really is, is always standing silently in a subservient position.