她的芳名,曾在海峡两岸名噪一时;而他的名字,除了亲人、朋友,恐怕只有大陆音乐界略有知晓.这就是千百惠和高大琳,一个出生在风景秀丽的宝岛;一个生长于冰天雪地的哈尔滨.然而,有缘千里来相会,“命运” 之神使他们走到了一起,又共同谱写出一曲浪漫的跨海恋曲.初次相识在这里1990年,举世瞩目的第十一届亚运会在北京举行.千百惠作为台湾著名歌手应东方音像公司之邀,飞赴北京参加“亚运之光” 节目录制.而中央乐团的作曲家高大琳由于那两年在音乐界崭露头角,同时被音像公司聘为节目的音乐监
Her fame, once renowned across the Taiwan Strait; and his name, in addition to relatives and friends, I am afraid that only the mainland music industry a little known.This is Thousands of Hui and Gao Dalin, one was born in the scenic treasure island; a growth in Harbin ice and snow .However, destined to come a long way to meet, “Destiny” God brought them together, and together compose a romantic cross-sea love song. For the first time in 1990, the world’s attention of the eleventh Asian Games in Beijing. Thousands of Hui as Taiwan’s leading singer at the invitation of the Oriental audio-visual company, flew to Beijing to participate in the “Asian Games Light” recording.While the composer of the Central OrchestraGoldenIn two years in the music industry emerge, while being audio-visual Music company hired for the show