最近,笔者从事韦杰中将传的采访、撰写,在领略了他在战争年代里出生入死,英勇善战的战将风采时,不禁为他那种对党忠心耿耿,对同志满腔热情,对自己各个方面严格要求,又总是一丝不苟的博大胸怀深深震撼。从他下连队当兵那段鲜为人知的感人事迹中,可见一斑。 那是1958年初夏,韦杰刚担任成都军区副司令员不久,就积极响应毛泽东主席关于“将军下连队当兵”的号召,来到驻重庆某团“红二连”当兵。 在他下到连队不久,连队战士要求与他合影留念,于是请来团里的新闻干事照相。这天,战士们高高兴兴地挤到韦杰身边。 “不要挤,先等一下再照。”韦杰招呼道,“大家有没有发现一个问题呀?我们着装上有什么不符合上级规定的?” 韦杰的话,令战士们面面相觑。尽管炎炎夏日的
Recently I was engaged in an interview and compilation of Lieutenant General Weijie. When I came to a taste of the war generals who were born, died, brave and fought during the war years, I could not help but be loyal to him, passionate about comrades, Strict requirements, and always meticulous broad mind deeply shocked. It is evident from the little-known touching stories of the soldiers he joined under the company. That was the early summer of 1958, when Wei Jiegang was deputy commander of the Chengdu Military Region. Soon after he responded positively to Chairman Mao Zedong’s call on “Generals and Corpsmen to join the army,” he arrived at a certain corps of “Red Erlian” in Chongqing. Shortly after he came down to the company, company warriors asked for a group photo with him and invited the press officer in the regiment to take a picture. On this day, the soldiers happily pushed to Wege. “Do not squeeze, wait a second and then.” Weijie greeting, “Have you found a problem? We do not meet the requirements of the dress?” Wei Jie’s words, so that soldiers looked at each other. Despite the hot summer