北京昌平吉特医用设备厂研制的 DQJ—1型多功能气动洁牙手机在北京医科大学口腔医院等单位的9名口腔医学专家和机械专家组成的鉴定委员会的主持下,于90年8月29日通过了技术鉴定。该机是根据国家实用新型专利(专利号88200587,1)而设计开发的医用口腔器械的新品种。经北医大口腔医院、北京友谊医院、北医太人民医院等单位百余例临床试用,认为:该机设计合理、新颖,气水两路相隔绝,振动
DQJ-1 multi-functional pneumatic toothbrush developed by Beijing Changping Ji Te Medical Equipment Factory under the auspices of 9 appraisal committees composed of 9 stomatology experts and mechanical experts from Dental Hospital of Beijing Medical University, etc., on August 29, 1990 Japan passed the technical appraisal. The machine is based on the national utility model patents (patent number 88200587, 1) and the development of new medical dental equipment varieties. The Beijing University Stomatological Hospital, Beijing Friendship Hospital, North Medical too People’s Hospital and other units of more than 100 cases of clinical trial, that: The aircraft design is reasonable, innovative, gas and water two separate, vibration