杂薰衣草,又名拉文丁,是世界十大精油之一,年产精油1,000吨左右。主要生产国有法国、意大利、西班牙、保加利亚和南斯拉夫。我国于1979年引入,经过引种区域试验,初定山东、江苏两省大面积种植。杂薰衣草是薰衣草(Lavandula angustifolia)与宽叶薰衣草(L.latifolia)的自然杂交种。已知的品种和品系有十多个。杂薰衣草具有适应性强、生长旺盛、产量高、含油量1.5—3.5%,油中含乙酸芳樟酯20.8—52.0%。唯独抗寒性不及薰衣草。品种介绍我国引入2个品种:阿勃列阿力斯(Abrialis) 株形紧凑,株高65—85厘米,株幅65—75厘米,叶线状披针形;主穗长28—35厘米,主穗有15—17轮花,
Miscellaneous lavender, also known as Lavender, is one of the world’s top ten essential oils, with an annual output of about 1,000 tons of essential oils. The main producing countries are France, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia. China was introduced in 1979, after the introduction of regional experiments, initially set up large-scale planting in Shandong and Jiangsu provinces. Lavandula is a natural hybrid of Lavandula angustifolia and L. latifolia. There are more than a dozen of known varieties and lines. Miscellaneous lavender has strong adaptability, vigorous growth, high yield, oil content of 1.5-3.5%, oil containing linalool acetate 20.8-52.0%. Cold hardiness alone lavender. Varieties introduced China introduced two varieties: Abrechillas (Abrialis) plant compact shape, height 65-85 cm, plant 65-75 cm, leaves linear-lanceolate; main spike 28-35 cm, The main spike has 15-17 flowers,