主人公小传:张玉贵,男,43岁,中共党员,山东省菏泽市牡丹区李村镇人, 1984年入伍,1985年3月参加边境防御作战,两次荣立二等功。1989年退伍后,被分配到菏泽减振器厂当车间工人。2001年工厂倒闭,张玉贵下岗失业。下岗后的他,捡过垃圾,收过破烂,卖过水果。2005年,他开始以为路人擦鞋为生,同时陆续帮助48名残疾人掌握了擦鞋技术,实现了就业。4年来,张玉贵一直坚持每个月用10天时间免费为群众擦鞋,每逢重大节日还免费为军人、老人、残疾人服务。2008年3月9日至9月20日,他和爱人刘永玲先后走遍山东省17个地市,后经河北、天津,最后到北京义务为群众擦鞋服务,弘扬雷锋精神,宣传北京奥运,通过自己的学雷锋行动,传播文明新风。他先后荣获菏泽市“优秀共产党员”、菏泽市“道德建设先进个人”、“菏泽市十大慈善人物”等荣誉称号。
The hero biography: Zhang Yugui, male, 43 years old, member of the Communist Party of China, Heze City, Shandong Province, Li Town, Mudan District, 1984, enlisted in 1985 March to participate in frontier defensive operations, two times the second class. After retirement in 1989, was assigned to Heze shock absorber factory when the workshop workers. In 2001 the factory closed down, Zhang Yugui laid off. After he laid off, picked up the rubbish, received junk, sold fruit. In 2005, he began to think that passers-by shrugging for their livelihood, while gradually helping 48 disabled people mastered the shoe-shining technology to achieve employment. Over the past four years, Zhang Yugui has always insisted on using the 10-day free monthly shoe-cleaning service for the masses and providing services free of charge to soldiers, the elderly and the disabled every major holiday. March 9, 2008 to September 20, 2008, he and his lover Liu Yongling has traveled to 17 cities in Shandong Province, after Hebei, Tianjin, Beijing finally to the obligation to serve the people shoes, promote Lei Feng spirit, publicity Beijing Olympic Games, Through their own learning Lei Feng action, dissemination of civilization and fresh air. He has won the honorary title of Heze City, “Outstanding Communists”, Heze City, “Advanced Individuals in Moral Construction”, and “Top Ten Charities in Heze City”.