一、光纤制导导弹(FOG-M) 早在1972年,美国Optelecom Inc.公司就提出了开发高速光纤导弹链路的设想,并进行了高速放线技术和装置、高强度光纤技术等的研究工作。目前FOG—M计划主要在陆军和海军中进行,空军也有少量的预算。陆军的计划于1984年开始实施,其目标是针对由直升飞机支援的坦克分队,作为前方防御武器。 1984年4月陆军在阿拉巴马州Hunts-ville的红石兵工厂进行了FOG-M的第一次试验。试验证实了FOG-M可以在10公
I. Optical Fiber Guided Missile (FOG-M) As early as 1972, Optelecom Inc. of the United States put forward the idea of developing a high-speed optical fiber missile link and carried out research work on high-speed pay-off technology and devices, high-strength optical fiber technology . The current FOG-M program is mainly carried out in the Army and Navy, the Air Force also has a small amount of budget. The Army’s plan came into operation in 1984 with the goal of targeting front-mounted defensive arms to tank detachments supported by helicopters. In April 1984, the Army conducted its first FOG-M trial at the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama. Test confirmed that FOG-M can be 10 public