【摘 要】
Machine 杼 chirp, thread plumes. A coil of fast rotating bobbins, a pair of hard-working hands, a dusty workshop, this is the textile world. In Shijiazhuang Changshan Textile Co., Ltd. Hengsheng branch of the workshop there is such a weaver, she is very ordinary, very special. She said she is ordinary, because she, like thousands of textile workers, repeated daily in the production line boring monotonous technical action, perennial shift. She said she is special because in the 13 years she has been engaged in textile work, she has gained numerous awards by virtue of self-improvement and perseverance, practicing her skill, continuously improving and innovating technically,
In the process of scientific and technological innovation,with the discovery of new research areas and the increase of new business,PetroChina Southwest Oil&Gas
The Sichuan basin is rich in natural gas resources,of which high-sulfur gas storage accounts for a considerable proportion.Among the proven natural gas reserves
A major feature of innovation of PetroChina Southwest Oil&Gasfield Company is to attach great importance to the role of the practice,in which new theories are e
Gas reservoirs are finite materials,so the exploitation of gas fields is equivalent to doing arithmetic problems,trying to ensure that the difference between re
组织营销(organlzatlonal market- ing)是指在组织市场上的营销活动,这是相对于消费者市场上的营销活动(consumer marketing)而言的。组织营销自从其发源之时起,就一直以其市
After the reorganization and separation in 2000,in order to meet the requirements of modern enterprise management system and mechanism,PetroChina Southwest Oil&