河南省驻马店地区原财政局长苏有存,是一九四四年入党,一九四五年参加革命的干部.一九六四年他由部队转业到信阳地区财政局工作,一九六八年起任驻马店地区财政局局长.由于他不认真学习马列主义和毛泽东思想,放松世界观的改造,资产阶级个人主义思想大为膨胀.特别是近几年,他不顾党和人民的利益,为地委的某些领导人出歪点子,带头违犯财经纪律,情节严重,性质恶劣. “救灾款不救灾,大发救灾财” 一九七五年八月,河南省驻马店地区遭受了特大的洪水灾害,毛主席、党中央、国务院对灾区人民极为关怀,及时发了慰问电,派去了慰问团,拨出了大批救灾物资和救灾款.在严重自然灾害面前,身为财政局长的苏有存,不执行中央的指示,不切实管好用好救灾款,帮
Su Youcun, former Financial Secretary of Zhumadian District of Henan Province, joined the party in 1944 and joined the revolutionary cadres in 1945. In 1964 he was replaced by troops to the Finance Bureau of Xinyang District for work in 1968 Since assuming office as director of the Finance Bureau of Zhumadian district, he has greatly inflated the ideology of bourgeois individualism because he did not conscientiously study Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought and relax the transformation of the world outlook, especially in recent years, despite the interests of the party and the people, Some leaders of China have misrepresented themselves as the first to violate the financial and economic discipline, and the circumstances are rather serious. “The disaster relief fund is not disaster relief, and the disaster relief fund” In August 1975, the Zhumadian area of Henan Province suffered a huge flood Disasters, Chairman Mao, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council are extremely concerned about the people in the disaster areas and sent their condolences in time. They sent a delegation of condolences and allocated a large amount of relief supplies and disaster relief funds. In the face of grave natural disasters, Save, do not implement the instructions of the Central Government, do not really manage to make good use of disaster relief funds to help