姜戎的《狼图腾》曾给2004年的中国文坛送来一波内蒙古草 原的强劲朔风,而杨志军的《藏獒》一书,又给2005年 的文坛吹来一阵雪域高原的暴雨狂风。两本书的主角都是非人类 的生命,前者锁定蒙古草原狼,后者聚焦喜马拉雅纯种藏獒,但 都未能跳出以人的眼光观察狼与獒的窠臼。 也许是不同物种间隔膜太深的缘故,人总是尝试了解动物的 感情。动物园里常会看到游人投喂动物,人的目的很简单,希望 与笼中的陌生物种交流,而且是按照人与人交流的游戏规则运 行。比如投之以食,想看到报之以感激,投之以刺激,想弄明白 得到的是不是愤怒。
Jiang Rong’s “Wolf Totem” sent a wave of strong New Waves in Inner Mongolia grassland to the Chinese literary world in 2004, while Yang Zhijun’s “Tibetan Mastiff,” a book, sent a storm of snowstorm over the snow-covered plateau to the literary world in 2005. The two protagonists are non-human life, the former locked Mongolian steppe wolf, the latter focused on Himalayan purebred Tibetan mastiff, but failed to jump out of the human eye to observe the wolf and mastiff. Perhaps the reason is that the membrane of different species is too deep, people always try to understand the feelings of animals. The zoo often sees visitors feeding animals. The purpose of people is simple, they want to communicate with strangers in the cage, and they operate according to the rules of the game where people communicate with each other. Such as voted to eat, want to see the newspaper to be grateful, voted to stimulate, want to figure out is not angry.