患儿阎××男生后20日左侧鼻唇部肿胀2天,1982年1月20日入院。1月18日,家长发现患儿鼻唇部肿胀,送某医院治疗,用庆大霉素肌肉注射及红霉素静脉点滴后肿胀减轻。因发现左上齿龈有一处溢脓而来我院。入院俭查;体温37.5℃左侧鼻唇沟上方皮肤充血、肿胀。在牙龈及齿槽间有一处瘘管向外溢脓,瘘口周围充血,稍糜烂W、B、C 26400 N 57%L 40% M 3%诊断左上颌骨骨髓炎,齿槽脓肿。给予消炎治疗。21日体温上升至39℃。22日发现右上睑充血、肿胀。25日睑部充血消退,右眼球向前
Children Yan × XX 20 days after the left nasal lip swelling 2 days, January 20, 1982 admission. January 18, parents found that children with nasal lip swelling, sent to a hospital for treatment, with gentamicin intramuscular injection and erythromycin intravenous drip swelling reduced. Because of the discovery of the left upper gingival overflow pus from our hospital. Fetal admission; body temperature 37.5 ℃ above the left nasolabial fold skin congestion, swelling. There is a fistula in the gingival and alveolar overflow pus, congestion around the fistula, a little erosion W, B, C 26400 N 57% L 40% M 3% Diagnosis of the left upper jaw osteomyelitis, alveolar abscess. Give anti-inflammatory treatment. On the 21st, the temperature rose to 39 ° C. On the 22nd found that the right upper eyelid congestion, swelling. 25th eyelid congestion subsided, right eye forward