新闻工作者所触及的人和事,常常有许多是带有专业性的,如果新闻工作者不具备对这些专业的了解,往往很难深入到人物的内心和事物的深层,不客易发掘内函与底蕴。如果新闻工作者不具备优良的素养,在剖析关键问题时用法选择不当,轻则能混淆人们的视听,重则会造成一定负面效果,造成不良影响。 比如,文艺界的某些混乱和个别新闻报道不准确是有关系的。乱用“家”“风格”“代”等较为严格
Often, many people and events touched upon by journalists are professionally oriented. If journalists do not have the knowledge of these specialties, they often find it hard to penetrate into the innermost part of things and deep inside things, Letter and heritage. If journalists do not have good literacy, they can mislead them when analyzing key issues. They can confuse people’s eyes and ears, cause some negative results, and adversely affect others. For example, some chaos in literary and art circles is related to the inaccuracy of individual news reports. Indiscriminate use of “home” “style” and “generation” more stringent