第四章 立足光纤电缆 推进光纤入户

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4.1光纤电缆混合网HFC4.1.1整体思路4.1.1.1基本要求1)全国人大和国务院文件是建设有线电视网的根本大纲1十一五规划纲要2006年3月14日,十届四次人大批准的《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划纲要》第十五章积极推进信息化,第三节完善信息基础设施,全文如下:“积极推进‘三网融合’。建设和完善宽带通信网,加快发展宽带用户接入网,稳步推进新一代移动通信网络建设。建设集有线、地面、卫星传输于一体的数字电视网络。 4.1 Optical fiber cable hybrid network HFC4.1.1 overall train of thought Basic requirements 1) The NPC and the State Council files are the basic outline of the construction of cable networks Eleventh Five-Year Plan Outline March 14, 2006, the Tenth National People’s Congress approved The 15th chapter of the 11th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of China actively promotes informationization and the third quarter completes the information infrastructure. The full text is as follows: ”Actively promoting the integration of the three networks." We will improve the broadband communication network, speed up the development of broadband user access networks and steadily push forward the construction of a new generation of mobile communication networks, building a digital television network that integrates cable, terrestrial and satellite transmission.