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永历通宝是南明时期桂王朱由榔永历年间(1647~1661年)所铸,前期以小平钱为主,后期转战贵州、云南,以折银钱为主,包括壹分和五匣两种。由于是在不同时期和不同地方所铸,因此大小、轻重、厚薄、文字书写风格干差万别,再加之文字资料的缺失,对于其铸地只能从实物和风格来确定。笔者根据收藏的钱币实物,结合其他方面的研究资料,认为永历通宝折银钱主要可划分为三个系列。 Yongli Tongbao was built in the period of Nanming by Zhu Yongli during the Yongli Period (1647 ~ 1661). In the early period, it was mainly dominated by Xiaoping. Later, it fought in Guizhou and Yunnan. It mainly consisted of one-off and five-packs. Because it is cast at different times and in different places, the size, weight, thickness, style of writing and writing are totally different. In addition, the lack of writing materials can only be determined from the material objects and the style. The author according to the collection of coins in kind, combined with other aspects of research data, that the permanent treasure through the silver can be divided into three series.