对于五六十年代的中国知识分子,俄罗斯有着特殊的魅力。我们这一代人是在中苏友好的氛围中成长起来的,那时的“苏联老大哥”在政治、经济、文化、艺术……各个领域都对中国有着巨大的影响,莫斯科——这个世界共产主义运动的中心自然也就成为当时每个中国青年心仪向往的革命圣地,谁都渴望能去那里瞻仰观光一番。特别是通过大量的图片、报刊、电影、广播的宣传,红场、克里姆林宫、列宁墓早已深入人心,在每个人心中有着栩栩如生的真切形象。 1987年我随中国电视艺术代表团出访捷克斯洛伐克,途经莫斯科,飞机出故障在机场停留一天,因无入境签证,
Russia has a special charm for Chinese intellectuals in the 1950s and 1960s. Our generation grew up in a friendly Sino-Soviet atmosphere. At that time, the “big brother of the Soviet Union” had a huge influence on China in various fields such as politics, economy, culture and art. Moscow, the communion of this world Naturally, the center of theist movement became the revolutionary shrine where every Chinese youth was longing for desire. Everyone was eager to go there for the sightseeing. Especially through a large number of pictures, newspapers, films, radio propaganda, Red Square, the Kremlin, Lenin’s tomb has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of everyone has a lifelike real image. In 1987 I traveled to Czechoslovakia with a delegation of Chinese TV art, passing through Moscow, leaving a day-long flight at the airport because of a failure to enter the country.