什么是联想呢?所谓联想,就是由某人或某件事想到相关的人或事物。语文新教材指出,阅读文章联想是第三步功夫,而且在课后习题中安排了这方面的内容。这样安排,能使联想的学习得到加强和拓展,并引导学生进入新的创造性境界。 一、通过联想——引起感情的共鸣 人是有情感的,大凡一个作家(也包括画家、艺术家等)在自己的作品中都要表达一种感情,或直抒胸臆,或托物言情,方式不同,目的一样。如萧乾的《枣核》表达了美籍华人强烈的思乡之情。学生能否理解并引起感情的共鸣
What is association? The so-called association is that someone or something thinks of the relevant person or thing. The new language textbook points out that reading the article is the third step in the association, and arranges this content in the exercises after class. This arrangement will enable Lenovo’s learning to be strengthened and expanded, and guide students into a new creative realm. First, through association - the resonance of emotions is emotional, and almost all writers (including painters, artists, etc.) must express an emotion in their own works, or express their feelings directly or in a manner that differs in different ways. The purpose is the same. For example, Xiao Qian’s “Zao Nuo” expresses the strong homesickness of the American Chinese. Can students understand and arouse emotional resonance?