新文人画的问题先是一个现象,后来有了概念。但是,能称得上新文人画的作品不是很多 原因很简单。当代只有很少的画家称得上文化人,具有文化人的意识和素质,他们关注的问题不仅仅是画画,画画是兴之所致,没有其他目的。就作品来说,也很难就画而判断是不是“文人画”,有的画看上去也很“雅”,其实是迎合市场之作。作者作画时在揣摹求画者的心态,是台湾老板还是大陆画商,他们的品位为何,喜欢什么题材,什么形式,是四尺三开,还是斗方、扇面等等,迎合市场的画已不能叫做文人画了,迎合市场的人也不是真正意义的文人了。
The problem of the new literati painting is first of all a phenomenon, and later the concept. However, not many works that can be regarded as new literati paintings are simple. There are only a few artists in the present age who are regarded as cultural people and have the awareness and quality of cultural people. The problems they are concerned with are not just paintings, paintings, but no other purposes. As far as the works are concerned, it is also very difficult to draw and judge whether it is “literati painting” or not. Some paintings look very elegant as well. In fact, they are catered to the market. The author is trying to figure out what the painter is trying to figure out when he is a painter or a Taiwanese art dealer. What are their tastes, what kind of theme they like and what form they are. Called scholar painting, caters to the market is not a real literary man.