关于中国新民主主义革命的起点,理论界比较传统的观点是以1919年的“五四”运动为中国新民主主义革命的开端。也有的学者认为,中同新民主主义革命的起点,应以1921年中国共产党成立为标志。笔者不同意上述观点。中国新民主主义革命的起点,应当以1927年“八一”南昌起义为标志。一“五四”运动不能作为中国新民主主义革命的起点,原因有三: 第一,“五四”运动不是在工人阶级领导下进行的。“五四”运动时期以及之前,中国工人阶级为反抗帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义的剥削、压迫,曾多次举行过罢工斗争,但这些斗争的目的无外乎“减少工时、减轻劳动强度,增加工资和福利待遇”等,此时的工人运动显然还处于唯经济主义的低级阶段。这些斗爭不但不能看成是对民主革命的领导,而且由于缺少由无产阶级政党阐明的革命理论的指导,根本就不具备无产阶级政治革命的意义。
As for the starting point of China’s new-democratic revolution, the more traditional view of theorists is that the “May 4th” Movement of 1919 was the beginning of the new-democratic revolution in China. Some scholars think that the starting point of the new democratic revolution should be marked by the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party in 1921. The author disagrees with this view. The starting point of China’s new-democratic revolution should be marked by the August 1 Nanchang Uprising of 1927. First, the “May 4th” Movement can not serve as the starting point for China’s new-democratic revolution for three reasons: First, the May Fourth Movement was not conducted under the leadership of the working class. Before and during the “May 4th” Movement, the Chinese working class held many strikes to fight against the exploitation and oppression of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism. However, these struggles are aimed at “reducing working hours and alleviating labor Strength, wages and benefits, ”etc. The workers’ movement at this time is obviously still in the low-level stage of economicism. These struggles can not be seen not only as the leaders of the democratic revolution but also because of the lack of guidance from the revolutionary theories set forth by the proletarian parties, they have no significance in the political revolution of the proletariat.