世界上人的平均寿命最长的国家是日本,而在日本最长寿的地区则非冲绳莫属。 据专家多年研究,冲绳人长命百岁的秘诀,主要在于饮食,他们大部分一日三餐均以蔬果及鱼类为主,而且吃得很节制。 “长生不老三明治”是冲绳人的主要食物,其材料和做法十分简单。 馅料:豆腐1块,鲜蘑菇(切碎)半杯,蒜头1瓣(捣碎),鲜榨柠檬汁半汤匙,芥末酱1茶匙,竹芋粉2汤匙,黄瓜(切碎)1/4杯。 做法:在锅内放油烧热,放入豆腐、蘑菇与蒜头,以中火煎4分钟,离火,待冷却后将其与其他馅料搅匀,放入冰箱冷藏一夜。食用时将做好的馅夹在两片全麦面包中。
The longest average life expectancy of people in the world is Japan, while the longest in Japan is none other than Okinawa. According to many years’ research by experts, the secret of long life in Okinawa lies mainly in the diet. Most of them are mainly fruits, vegetables and fish for three meals a day and eat very well. “Elder Sandwich” is Okinawans main food, its materials and practices is very simple. Fillings: 1 tofu, fresh mushrooms (chopped) half a cup, garlic 1 petal (mashed), squeezed lemon juice half tablespoon, mustard sauce 1 teaspoon, 2 tablespoons of arrowroot, cucumber (chopped) 1/4 cup. Practice: Put oil in the pan and heat, add tofu, mushrooms and garlic to medium heat for 4 minutes, away from the fire, to be cooled and mix with other fillings, into the refrigerator and overnight. Stuffed sandwiches made in two slices of whole wheat bread.