案例: 这是几年前发生的一桩使我终生难忘的事 情:我剐接手两个多月的班级中,一位漂亮的 女生自杀了。 王丽是初三(5)班中一位比较优秀的学 生,听说是以班级第二名的成绩进入初中阶段 的学习生活的。可是,在我接班后的两个月里, 她的学习成绩每况愈下。
Case: This was something that made me forget a few years ago: In a class I took over two months, a beautiful girl committed suicide. Wang Li is the third (5) class a relatively good student, I heard that the results of the second class to enter junior high school learning life. However, in my two months after taking over, her academic performance deteriorated.