自杀——一个长期困扰离婚案件审判的问题 应该说,仅仅就婚姻关系是否应予以法律上的解除,这对于广大法官来说,并不是一项十分困难的审判工作,但一旦遇到坚决不同意离婚的一方当事人扬言要自杀,或确有自杀可能,或已经自杀过一次或几次等情况,该项婚姻案件就变得异常复杂起来。 尽管我们说,只要案件处理的正确,如果当事人真的自杀了,那么有关法院和审判人员也不负责任。可实践证明,离婚当事人自杀身亡后,法院和承办人员便立即面临着麻烦、指责和痛苦:抢救奄奄一息的自杀者,出动大量干警做防止死者家属闹事的工作,妥善处理安葬死者的善后工作,解答有关领导部门的质询,等等。一起自杀事件的发生,常常使该院民事审判工作明
Suicide - A question that has long plagued divorce cases It should be said that the mere fact that marriage should be legally dissolved should not be a very difficult trial for the majority of judges, but in the event of a firm disagreement The marital case becomes extremely complicated as a party to a divorce threatens to commit suicide, or suicide may indeed occur, or has committed suicide one or more times. Although we say that as long as the case is handled correctly, the courts and the trial officials are not responsible if the parties really commit suicide. Practice has proved that the divorce party suicide, the courts and contractors immediately face the trouble, accusations and pain: to rescue the dying suicide, dispatched a large number of police officers to prevent the families of the deceased people’s work to do something properly to deal with the burial of the aftermath of the deceased’s work, answer Questions about the leadership, and so on. The occurrence of a suicide, often make the court civil trial work