The next time you’re about to leave a nasty[讨厌的] comment on someone’s blog, consider this: What you do and the self you create online could be forever changing the person you really are.
The Internet may connect us in unprecedented[空前的] ways, but just as it’s changing how the world works, one psychiatrist[精神病学家] says it may be altering[改变] how our personalities develop.
In a new book, Virtually You: The Dangerous Powers of the E-Personality, Stanford University
psychiatrist Dr. Elias Aboujaoude argues that the time we spend on the Internet doesn’t just cause us to have online alter egos[个性的另一面]. It influences who we become and how we interact[互动] with others when we’re offline as well.
“I see my book as my attempt at dissecting[剖析] this thing called an e-personality—the changes that happen in our personalities when we go online, the new traits[特性] that we take on,” he says. “What I see, more and more, we are starting to resemble our avatars[化身].”
Aboujaoude believes that the dangers of the e-personality don’t just apply to those with the most
extreme Internet habits. Potentially, everyone who connects to the web is changed.
“Society at large is becoming a more angry, uncivil place,” he explains. “We should ask ourselves if one reason we’ve become so uncivil is because of what we do online and how we act on our blogs and in our chat rooms.”
The fast-moving, information-overloaded Internet conditions people to become impulse[冲动]-driven, impatient and unfocused. And though people may think that they can easily move from the instant gratification[满意] and faceless world of the web to the reason and empathy[移情] of real life, we tend to overestimate[高估] our ability to switch between modes of interaction.
As a Silicon Valley psychiatrist, Aboujaoude spends more time on eBay than he ought to and loves his apps注 as much as any iPhone-toting[携带] American, but he has become more self-conscious about how he uses the web.
“It has to start by recognizing the problem. It has to start by us acknowledging that we actually act differently online,” he says. “This is the first step. When we get to that point as a society, we can figure out what the next steps are. But we’re far from there.”
The Internet may connect us in unprecedented[空前的] ways, but just as it’s changing how the world works, one psychiatrist[精神病学家] says it may be altering[改变] how our personalities develop.
In a new book, Virtually You: The Dangerous Powers of the E-Personality, Stanford University
psychiatrist Dr. Elias Aboujaoude argues that the time we spend on the Internet doesn’t just cause us to have online alter egos[个性的另一面]. It influences who we become and how we interact[互动] with others when we’re offline as well.
“I see my book as my attempt at dissecting[剖析] this thing called an e-personality—the changes that happen in our personalities when we go online, the new traits[特性] that we take on,” he says. “What I see, more and more, we are starting to resemble our avatars[化身].”
Aboujaoude believes that the dangers of the e-personality don’t just apply to those with the most
extreme Internet habits. Potentially, everyone who connects to the web is changed.
“Society at large is becoming a more angry, uncivil place,” he explains. “We should ask ourselves if one reason we’ve become so uncivil is because of what we do online and how we act on our blogs and in our chat rooms.”
The fast-moving, information-overloaded Internet conditions people to become impulse[冲动]-driven, impatient and unfocused. And though people may think that they can easily move from the instant gratification[满意] and faceless world of the web to the reason and empathy[移情] of real life, we tend to overestimate[高估] our ability to switch between modes of interaction.
As a Silicon Valley psychiatrist, Aboujaoude spends more time on eBay than he ought to and loves his apps注 as much as any iPhone-toting[携带] American, but he has become more self-conscious about how he uses the web.
“It has to start by recognizing the problem. It has to start by us acknowledging that we actually act differently online,” he says. “This is the first step. When we get to that point as a society, we can figure out what the next steps are. But we’re far from there.”