环磷酸腺苷(Cyclic adenosine—3′、5′—monophosphate)简称cAMP,是已被证实和公认的第二信使物质之一,它参与体内多种生理功能和物质代谢过程。近年来cAMP的测定已成为基础医学研究中比较集中的观察指标之一。在临床医学方面对许多疾病(内分泌功能紊乱、肿瘤以及心血管疾病等)的病理探索和诊断治疗都有重要的参考价值。cAMP的测定方法很多,本实验采用中国科学院原子能研究所生产的cAMP测定药箱,以竞争性蛋白结合法测定了我院动物室饲养的健康小白鼠和家兔血浆内cAMP的正常值。竞争性结合蛋白法测定cAMP是利用依
Cyclic adenosine-3 ’, 5’-monophosphate, or cAMP, is one of the second messenger substances that have been confirmed and accepted. It is involved in many physiological functions and metabolism processes in the body. In recent years, the determination of cAMP has become the focus of basic medical research in the observation of one of the indicators. In clinical medicine for many diseases (endocrine disorders, cancer and cardiovascular disease, etc.) pathological exploration and diagnosis and treatment have important reference value. There are many ways to determine cAMP. In this experiment, the cAMP assay kit manufactured by Institute of Atomic Energy, Chinese Academy of Sciences was used to determine the normal plasma cAMP level in healthy mice and rabbits housed in animal chambers of our hospital by competitive protein binding assay. The competitive binding assay for cAMP is based on the use of