The filtering mechanism of a free output coupler mode-locked laser based on large-mode-area photonic-crystal fibre is analysed. A filtering-soliton mode-locked laser with 495 fs pulse width and 21 nJ pulse energy is achieved. Another novel cavity configuration is established to eliminate the filtering effect. Pulses, each 457 fs in width and 16.5 nJ in energy, are obtained in a soliton-like regime. Pulses, each 387 fs in width and 15.8 nJ in energy, are also generated in a stretched pulse regime and could be dechirped to 119 fs externally to the cavity.
The filtering mechanism of a free-output coupler mode-locked laser based on large-mode-area photonic-crystal fiber is analyzed. Another filtering method of the mode-locked laser with 495 fs pulse width and 21 nJ pulse energy is achieved. Pulses, each 387 fs in width and 15.8 nJ in energy, also generated in a stretched. Pulses, each 457 fs in width and 16.5 nJ in energy, are obtained in a soliton-like regime. pulse regime and could be dechirped to 119 fs externally to the cavity.