
来源 :人民军医 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eastwood
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1976年以来,我们试用硬脊膜外麻醉导管保留导尿的方法治疗因前列腺肥大及肿瘤等压迫所致尿路梗阻、排尿困难的病人10例,都及时地解除了梗阻,改善了肾功能及全身情况,为择期外科手术创造了条件,也给内科治疗提供了时机,取得了较满意的效果。操作方法:按无菌操作要求,术者站立在患者右侧,先以1%普鲁卡因10毫升注入尿道内,5分钟后,左手提起阴茎,右手取一质量较好的硬脊膜外麻醉导管插入尿道,慢慢推进,当导管达到后尿道球部时,将阴茎放置和两大腿呈平行位置,使尿道、导管与膀胱呈一直线,继续轻轻推进导管。如有阻 Since 1976, we try to use epidural anesthesia catheter retention catheterization treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia and tumors caused by urinary tract obstruction, urination difficulties in 10 patients, are promptly relieved obstruction, improved renal function and The general condition of the elective surgery to create the conditions, but also to provide the opportunity for medical treatment and achieved more satisfactory results. Method of operation: According to the requirements of aseptic operation, the surgeon stood on the right side of the patient, first with 10% procaine 10 ml into the urethra, 5 minutes later, the left hand raised the penis, the right hand to take a better quality epidural Anesthesia catheter into the urethra, slowly advance, when the catheter reaches the posterior urethra, the penis and the two thighs were placed parallel to the urethra, catheter and bladder showed a straight line, continue to gently push the catheter. If there is resistance
尿道损伤无论平时或战时,都较常见,尿道损伤的早期处理与后果关系较大。本文就我院手术治疗的新鲜尿道损伤27例的早期处理作重点探讨。 Urethral injury, whether normal o
在那遥远的年代,在那并不太遥远的故乡,曾经有一座低矮陈旧的茅草小屋。年迈而慈祥的奶奶,就在这里生活居住。在我的心中,这座小屋的一 In that distant age, in the not to
本文报道三倒症状不典型的泌尿系损伤的X线诊断。其中二例用大剂量静脉性尿路造影确诊,一例用膀胱造影来确诊。指出了X线检查对此类病例的诊断价值。 This article reports
报道骨盆骨折合并症29例,结合文献探讨了四种严重合并症的诊断和治疗。 Reported 29 cases of pelvic fracture complications, combined with the literature to explore t