
来源 :水资源研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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水为生命之源。随着人口增长,全球淡水资源状况不容乐观,水资源短缺,水质恶化,人类面临严峻的挑战。面对水资源危机,国际社会越来越认识到其严重性,全球范围内保护水资源的浪潮已经掀起。如今,许多国家在保障饮用水安全方面积累了丰富的经验,从日常的水资源监护到对突发性饮用水污染事件,都有相对成熟的应对机制,值得我们借鉴与学习。德国德国是水资源保护最到位、最注重细节的国家。饮用水被确定为生活中的第一物质,饮用水安全立法在德国占有很重要的地位。经过100多年的实践后,德国已建立了2万个水源保 Water is the source of life. With population growth, the global fresh water resources are not optimistic, water resources are scarce, water quality is deteriorating, and human beings face severe challenges. Faced with the crisis of water resources, the international community is increasingly aware of its seriousness and a wave of global protection of water resources has been set off. Today, many countries have accumulated rich experience in ensuring the safety of drinking water. From the daily monitoring of water resources to the incident of unexpected drinking water pollution, many countries have relatively mature coping mechanisms that are worth learning from. Germany Germany is the country where water resources protection is the most in place and most attention to detail. Drinking water has been identified as the first substance in life and drinking water safety legislation plays an important role in Germany. After more than 100 years of practice, Germany has established 20,000 water conservation