Teaching Methods of Oral Output by Listening Input in Middle School Classroom

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  Oral English teaching is a complicated process,which includes two aspects:teaching and learning.Cognitive psychology holds that the process of cognition is a process of information processing.Psychologist Neisser pointed out that“Cognition refers to all processes of sensory input conversion,simplification, storage, recovery and application”. Therefore,we can transform the learning process into: input memory output.According to this theory,teachers can creatively process materials,input the most useful knowledge and information to students,and strengthen students’memory of knowledge through continuous reproduction and other measures;then create various real or quasi-real situations to activate these knowledge,and stimulate students to output the input information after correct processing into their own skills,so as to achieve from transformation from knowledge-based to knowledge-based improves the teaching effect.
  The specific strategies are as follows:
  一、Persistence in Organizing Teaching in English
  One of the necessary teaching abilities for every English teacher is to organize classroom teaching in English.At the same time,teaching in English is of great significance.It can be said that it is the key to success or failure of English teaching.Linguists believe that students learn oral English through interaction. The main form of interaction among middle school students is learning by doing,that is,learning English in the process of doing things in English,including oral English.Therefore,organizing teaching in English is conducive to providing students with a large number of demonstrations of speaking English,facilitating students’oral imitation, stimulating students’desire to speak English,and improving students’interest in learning English.Teachers in the experimental class speak more English from the beginning and organize their teaching in English.
  二、Attention to Reciting and Imitating Texts
  “Listening”is an important means of acquiring the language.It is also the first step in learning to speak.So is oral English expression. For students who are taught by traditional spoken English,the time for learning English is largely concentrated on the limited 40 minutes in the classroom,besides,there is hardly any environment for speaking English.In oral English training, imitating reading and reciting texts are especially important.Because many of our English teachers’spoken English is not very standard,following the tape is an effective way to correct students’incorrect pronunciation,and it also provides a rare English context.   Reciting texts is conducive to cultivating students’language flow and sense, and also helps students store idioms and vocabulary in their brains, thus laying a solid foundation for learning and using English. This process is very necessary for future learning,and it is also a guarantee for developing students’oral communication ability.In order to enable students to clearly understand the formation of English ability,they must first have a large number of effective input and accumulation of language materials as the basis.
  三、Seize the Opportunities and Create More English Environment
  Every day, students take turns on duty to get equal opportunities to practice oral English for2-3minutes.The content is freely chosen by the students according to their level. It can be from shallow to deep,from easy to difficult.There are daily duty reports,interesting experiences,storytelling,and dialogue with classmates and so on.After completing the duty report,ask the following students two questions and ask them to answer them in order to improve together.This is an effective way to consolidate knowledge and form oral ability.Unknowingly, students are trained. It not only enhances students’interest in learning,but also cultivates self-confidence.It also shows every student the opportunity and platform of oral English,so that they can experience the pleasure of success.
  We actively create scenarios in peacetime teaching;design a large number of high-density oral training in a planned way,so that students can improve their ability to use English in language practice.In fact,the biggest obstacle to improving students’spoken English is that they are introverted,shy,face-loving,lack of confidence in speaking English, afraid of making mistakes,and afraid of being laughed at.
  Therefore,I especially create a harmonious and relaxed communication environment for the experimental class students to eliminate their tension. For some students with poor foundation or timidity,we also pay more attention and encouragement,each time more encouragement,less criticism.In the classroom,students’problems are deal with carefully.More praise for the progress made by students, help students eliminate psychological barriers,so that they continue to achieve a sense of achievement,thus generating further motivation to speak English well.
  4. Interactive Teaching Method
  Interactive teaching method is to create a multilateral interactive teaching environment, achieve the collision and blending of different views in the process of equal exchange and discussion between the two sides of teaching,and then stimulate the initiative and exploration of both sides of teaching, so as to achieve a teaching method to improve the teaching effect.
  In a word,teachers should carry out various kinds of exercises through various ways,so that students can have practical opportunities to open their mouths,and through continuous digestion,absorption,application and development of training,completely eliminate the phenomenon of dumb English,so as to promote the improvement of oral English ability and promote the all-round development of listening,speaking,reading and writing ability.
培智学校新生入学不适应问题,不仅影响学生的学习生活,校园融入,也造成教师教学活动的不便。培智老师在第一学期甚至第一学年往往投入大量精力进行适应不良的处理,对儿童的行为规范生活自理等内容进行教育,为了智障新生更好的适应未来的学习生活,结合本人30多年的特教工作经历,略谈几点对策与处理方法。  一、深入了解学生  每個孩子都有自己的特性,尤其是特殊孩子,因此我们要深入地、全面地了解学生。如我班的学生刚
课堂教学的本质是教师有目的、有计划地组织学生进行有效学习的过程,是学生在教师组织下的活动过程,这些组织工作唯一的目的是为了让学生实现有效学习,所以教师的组织活动不是观察、考评的重点,只有在教师的活动引发了学生的活动以后,只有把教师的活动与学生活动联系在一起的情况下,教师的活动才能激起学生的有效学习。  今天我想谈谈在教学中是如何科学分组实验,造就愉快课堂。  合理编定小组,积极讨论  在学到第一章
中学英语教学目的是对学生进行听、说、读、写的基本训练,培养学生在口头上和书面上初步运用英语的能力,为进一步学习和运用英语切实打好基础。《九年制义务教育初级中学英语教学大纲》明确规定,要使学生受到听、说、读、写的全面训练,获得英语基础知识和为交际初步运用英语的能力,我们中学英语教学工作者应高度重视“运用英语的能力”的培养,并在日常教学中着眼于听、说、读、写的全面训练。  一、教材潜能的认识  九年制
初冬,阳光明媚。  早读课上,暖阳透过玻璃窗照进教室,孩子们的脸上镀上了一层柔和的金色。  “吴老师,这是我周末写的一篇作文,你能帮我修改一下吗?”从未认真写过作文的小宇在我经过他的座位时手捧作文本满脸期待地对我说。他声音不大,红着脸,怯怯地低头绞着自己的衣角。  “哟!小宇,太阳打西边出来了?你还主动写作文让老师修改?”他的同桌小森阴阳怪气地一咋呼,立即吸引了众多目光。质疑的声音纷纷响起,“你写
在测定玻璃砖折射率的实验中,如果光射人和射出玻璃的前后两个平面是平行的,射出玻璃砖的光线相对人射光线来说产生了侧位移,入射角、玻璃装的厚度为d、玻璃砖对该单色光的折射率为n,求:1、侧位移的数学表达式。2、侧位移随入射角的变化如何变化。  解析:光路如下图所示,由折射定律:,,側位移为图中线段的长度,由几何关系知:  故光通过平行玻璃砖侧位移的大小与入射光的入射角度有关,入射角度越大,侧位移越大,
内容摘要:在语篇教学中提炼适切的主题目标,以文字、视频等多模态语篇丰盈主题内容,激发学生探究学习的积极性。以高质量的有效问题提升学生的思维品质,在真实而有意义的语境中深化学习层次,将主题内容与生活相关联,引领学生个性化解决实际问题,从而实现学科育人的目的。  关键词:主题意义探究 语篇教学在语篇教学中将主题意义贯穿始终,深入挖掘文化内涵、思维品质、价值取  向等隐形资源。立足主题目标,激活学生的已
在多年的教学实践中,我发现数学学困生缺乏的是有层次的指导和高效的学习方法,特总结出了初中数学学困生“五部”脱困法,具体如下:  一、摸清“能力基础”,确立“学困层次”。  通过用心的前期摸底调查,对各班数学学困生的知识基础、解题能力、逻辑思维和学习习惯等方面进行细致分析,大致划分成两个A、B两个层次。A层次学困生主要是由于学习习惯、学习方法不正确,导致数学学习困难,常指那些数学学科“瘸腿生”;B层