目的 :通过介入技术治疗输卵管妊娠 11例临床研究 ,探讨该技术的可行性和疗效。方法 :采用同轴导管系统等器材 ,在 X线影像监视条件下 ,经宫腔选择性插入输卵管口内注入杀胚药物甲氨蝶呤 (MTX)至孕囊部位的输卵管内 ,并且每 2天测定患者血中β- h CG变化。结果 :11例较早期输卵管妊娠的患者 ,除 1例因治疗过程大出血施行手术外 ,其余 10例均治愈。结论 :介入技术治疗输卵管妊娠行之有效 ,安全准确 ,而且操作简便 ,无创伤 ,费用低廉 ,易普及推广。
Objective: To investigate the clinical feasibility and efficacy of 11 cases of tubal pregnancy by interventional technique. Methods: Using coaxial catheter system and other equipment, under the condition of X-ray image monitoring, MTX was injected into the fallopian tube selectively into the fallopian tube via the uterine cavity, and every 2 days Β-h CG changes in patients’ blood. Results: In the 11 cases of early tubal pregnancy, except for one case of bleeding due to the course of treatment for surgery, the remaining 10 cases were cured. Conclusion: Interventional technique is effective, safe and accurate in the treatment of tubal pregnancy, and it is easy to operate, noninvasive, inexpensive and easy to popularize.