ISAS(Information Search and Analysis Skills,信息检索与分析技能)是印度国家信息学院软件工程师课程中的必修课。我国35所高职软件学院也普遍开设ISAS课程培养学生职业关键能力。以“软件开发生命周期”单元为例,将ISAS理念引入软件外包职业英语教学中具有很大可行性,提高了学生学习兴趣、培养了学生职业英语能力、促进软件专业教学与职业英语教学合理衔接。
ISAS (Information Search and Analysis Skills) is a compulsory part of the curriculum of Software Engineers at the National Institute of Information and Technology in India. 35 colleges and universities in China also widely open ISAS software courses to develop students’ professional ability. Taking the unit of “software development life cycle” as an example, it is feasible to introduce the concept of ISAS into the software outsourcing of vocational English teaching, which enhances the students ’interest in learning, cultivates the students’ professional English ability, and promotes the teaching of software major and English of professional English Reasonable convergence.