Objective To explore malaria surveillance and prevention and treatment services in areas with high sclerosis by lack of resources through active surveillance. Methods One by one, we visited the high malaria village and looked for the patients who had the fever in one week and used the rapid malaria diagnosis to detect the malaria antigen. The results showed that 453 cases were diagnosed as fever and the rate of 2-year malaria was 77.92%. 270 malaria cases were diagnosed, of which 243 cases were Plasmodium falciparum, 20 cases and 3 malaria cases. The positive rate was 59.6% and the proportion of falciparum malaria was 90.00 %; The locality is still the endemic area of endemic malaria. Conclusions Active maladjustment should be one of the effective methods of malaria surveillance and control in areas of high malaria lacking basic health care services.