2003年7月10日,当阳市私营业主赵小青与当阳市教育局、财政局就北门小学1996年兴建运动场所欠的38323元工程款签定偿还合同,当阳市教育局、财政局代表市政府接管这笔由北门小学承担的债务。至此,当阳市义务教育阶段86所中小学2666万元债务整体移交给当阳市政府,全市中小学债务剥离完毕。 当阳市于1994年普及九年义务教育。同许多地方一
On July 10, 2003, Zhao Xiaoqing, a private owner of Dangyang City, signed a repayment contract with the Dangyang City Bureau of Education and the Bureau of Finance on the project amount of 38,323 yuan owed by Beimen Primary School in 1996 to build sports facilities. The Dangyang Education Bureau and the Finance Bureau Represented the municipal government in taking over the debt assumed by Beimen Primary School. At this point, the debt of RMB 26.66 million in primary and secondary schools in 86 compulsory primary education schools in Dangyang City was handed over to the government of Dangyang City. The debt of the entire city’s primary and secondary schools was removed. Dangyang City popularized nine-year compulsory education in 1994. With many places