孙越崎先生是我国现代工矿业的泰斗,能源工业的奠基人.抗日战争时期,他怀着极大地爱国热忱,冲破重重阻力,在抗战后方建起了一批现代化的煤矿,创办了玉门油矿,有力地支援了抗日战争,被人们誉为中国的“煤油大王”.一 孙越崎(1893—),浙江绍兴人.他1916年自上海复旦公学毕业后,考入天津北洋大学矿冶科,并被当选该校学生会会长.1919年因参加“五·四”运动被校方开除,后得蔡元培先生帮助,转入北京大学采矿系.毕业后,他怀着“实业救国”的强烈愿望,只身一人来到祖国边睡黑龙江,在地处旷野荒漠的穆棱煤矿担任矿务工程师,一干就是6年,经历了一个煤矿从勘探、建井、投产的全部生产建设和管理过程.1929年,他赴美留学,先后在斯坦福大学和哥伦比亚大学学习,并到英、法、德等国煤矿学习.1932年回国后在国民政府国防设计委员会工作,次年被派任陕北油矿探勘处处长.
During the War of Resistance Against Japan, with great patriotic enthusiasm and great resistance, he built a number of modern coal mines in the rear of the war of resistance against Japanese aggression and founded Yumen Oil Mine, He strongly supported the War of Resistance Against Japan and was hailed as the “kerosene king” of China. “Sun Yueqi (1893-), a man from Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province. He graduated from Fudan University in Shanghai in 1916 and was admitted to the Mining and Metallurgy Division of Tianjin Beiyang University Was elected president of the student union in 1919. After being expelled from the school by the ”May 4“ Movement in 1919, he was assisted by Mr. Cai Yuanpei and transferred to the mining department of Peking University. After graduation, with the strong desire of ”Industrial Salvation", he alone He came to the motherland while sleeping in Heilongjiang, Muling mine in the wilderness desert as a mining engineer, a dry that is 6 years, has experienced a coal mine from exploration, construction wells, put into production all the production and management process.In 1929, he Studied in the United States, studied successively at Stanford University and Columbia University, and studied in coal mines in England, France and Germany etc. After returning to China in 1932, he worked for the National Defense Design Commission of the National Government, and was appointed as a member of the North Shaanxi Oilfield Director of Department survey.