This article reports a 1983 survey of the distribution of Aedes albopictus in Tokushima, Japan, using a method of collection of eggs for a period of 7 months. The survey is divided into three types of areas: Type A areas are characterized by hillsides and 20 collection points; Type B areas are characterized by dense residential areas with 20 collection points; Type C areas are closer to the sea with fewer trees, 18 points. Ovipariad is a 5cm, 13.4cm high paper cups, filled with 150ml of water, placed in 58 locations in three areas for the mosquitoes to lay their eggs. Recovered once a week during the investigation, isolated and identified Aedes albopictus eggs. The results showed that Aedes albopictus eggs could be harvested in all three areas investigated from May to early December. The egg density began to rise from July and peaked in early August, which markedly declined from October. In the three types of areas, the highest egg density in area A was found, with an average of 132 eggs per cup in early August; the second in category B, with an average of 62 per cup; the highest in category C