In the past three years, with the state’s grasping the gold production, especially since the State Council issued the directive in April 1985 that “the gold production should have a substantial increase during the Seventh Five-Year Plan”, the national gold production team has increased to more than 30,000. Under the guidance of the spirit of “both gold and gold deposits”, the gold and gold exploration work has been further developed and a certain number of sand mine drilling technical teams have been set up. According to incomplete statistics, nearly 200 sand and gold drilling rigs were started in 1985 in the metallurgy, nonferrous metals, minerals and building materials systems in the country. The annual workload of about 140,000 meters was completed, providing a batch of very valuable and valuable sand deposits to the country. In 1986 There are 364 placer drilling rigs operating nationwide, with a planned workload of more than 220,000 meters. Sand drilling has reached an unprecedented level of development in history.