Density functional theory calculation on the C―H bond insertion reaction of dibromocarbene with acet

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The insertion reaction mechanism of CBr_2 with CH_3CH_O has been studied by using the B3LYP/6-31G(d) method. The geometries of reactions, transition state and products were completely optimized. All the energy of the species was obtained at the CCSD(T)/6-31G(d) level. All the transition state is verified by the vibrational analysis and the internal reaction coordinate (IRC) calculations. The results show that the propionaldehyde (~HP1) is the main product of CH_2 insertion with CH_3CH_O. The calculated results indicated that all the major pathways of the reaction were obtained on the singlet potential energy surface. The singlet CBr_2 not only can insert the C_α-H [reaction I(1)]) but also can react with C_β-H [reaction II(1)]. The statistical thermodynamics and Eyring transition state theory with Wigner correc- tion are used to study the thermodynamic and kinetic characters of I(1) and II(1) in temperature range from 100 to 2200 K. The results show that the appropriate reaction temperature rang is 250 to 1750 K and 250 to 1600 K at 1.0 atm for I(1) and II(1) respectively. The rate constant and equilibrium constant are distinct in the range from 250 to 1000 K so that I(1) more easily occurs, while the reactions are not selected in the temperature range of 1000-1600 K The insertion reaction mechanism of CBr_2 with CH_3CH_O has been studied by using the B3LYP / 6-31G (d) method. The geometries of reactions, transition state and products were completely optimized. All the energy of the species was obtained at the CCSD (T All the transition state is verified by the vibrational analysis and the internal reaction coordinate (IRC) calculations. The results show that the propionaldehyde (~ HP1) is the main product of CH_2 insertion with CH_3CH_O. The calculated results indicated that all the major pathways of the reaction were obtained on the singlet potential energy surface. The singlet CBr_2 not only can insert the C_α-H [reaction I (1)]) but also can react with C_β-H [reaction The statistical thermodynamics and Eyring transition state theory with Wigner correc tion are used to study the thermodynamic and kinetic characters of I (1) and II (1) in temperature range from 100 to 2200 K. The results show that the appropriate reaction temp The rate constant and equilibrium constant are distinct in the range from 250 to 1000 K so that I (1) more. The rate constant and equilibrium constant are distinct in the range from 250 to 1000 K at 1.0 atm for I (1) and II (1) respectively easily occurs, while the reactions are not selected in the temperature range of 1000-1600 K
《儿科药学杂志》由重庆医科大学儿童医院与中国药学会儿科药学专业组主办的目前我国儿科药学领域唯一的专业性学术刊物。国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN 1672-108X,国内统一连续
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