本文报告一例肝毛细线虫感染者的临床病理特征。患者27岁,女性,尼日利亚豪萨族人。1981年7月主诉腹部右侧肿胀逐渐增加,已有两年多。患者一般情况良好。肝脏明显肿大,向下延伸平脐。表面有结节,并有轻度触痛。脾刚可触及,无腹水,其他物理检查无异常。临床化验结果:Hb 12.1g/dl;Hct 36%;MCHC33%,白细胞计数64×10~9/l,白细胞分类:嗜中性细胞3%,嗜酸粒细胞94%,淋巴细胞3%。尿常规和粪便检查正常。骨髓检
This article reports a case of hepatic capillary nematode infection in patients with clinicopathological features. Patient 27 years old, female, Nigerian Hausa. July 1981 complained of swelling of the right side of the abdomen gradually increased, more than two years. The patient is generally in good condition. Significant enlargement of the liver, extended down flat navel. Surface nodules, and mild tenderness. Spleen can be touched, no ascites, no other physical examination. Clinical test results: Hb 12.1g / dl; Hct 36%; MCHC 33%, white blood cell count 64 × 10 ~ 9 / l, white blood cell classification: neutrophil 3%, eosinophil 94%, lymphocyte 3%. Urine routine and stool examination was normal. Bone marrow examination