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松杨栅锈菌夏孢子萌发适宜温度范围为10~24℃,最适温度20℃左右。供试的2菌株对温度有不同的依赖性。TH菌株温度适应性范围较宽,GL菌株较窄。在最适温度范围内,供试的2个菌株呈现相同的萌发动力学模式,萌发最大速率出现在4~12h,温度越高,最大萌发速率出现时间越晚,并随时间的延长,萌发速率逐渐减小。在5、30℃,萌发速率有2~3个峰值,第1峰值最大,第2、第3峰值逐渐减小或消失。26℃下峰值呈现过渡型状态,有1个较小的次高峰。供试的2菌株,TH的萌发速率较GL稍高并在出现时间上略前。最适萌发条件下,石油醚、乙醚、乙酸乙酯、正丁醇、水的卜氏杨和毛白杨提取物对松杨栅锈菌夏孢子萌发有不同的影响。毛白杨所有提取物在接种12h内,均抑制夏孢子的萌发,而卜氏杨乙醚提取物则促进夏孢子萌发,其余则抑制夏孢子萌发。所有水提取物在接种12h均表现为抑制作用。接种12~24h,2种杨树叶片正丁醇萃取物对夏孢子萌发速率均有一定程度的促进作用。 Pine Poplar rust rust spore germination suitable temperature range of 10 ~ 24 ℃, the optimum temperature of about 20 ℃. The 2 strains tested had different dependence on temperature. TH strains have a wide range of temperature adaptability and GL strains are narrower. In the optimum temperature range, the two strains tested showed the same germination kinetic model, the maximum germination rate appeared at 4 ~ 12h, the higher the temperature, the longer the maximum germination rate appeared, and with the extension of time, the germination rate slowing shrieking. At 5,30 ℃, the germination rate had 2 ~ 3 peaks, the first peak was the largest, the second and third peaks were gradually reduced or disappeared. 26 ℃ peak showed a transitional state, there is a smaller sub-peak. 2 strains tested, TH germination rate slightly higher than the GL and slightly earlier in time. The optimum germination conditions, petroleum ether, ethyl ether, ethyl acetate, n-butanol, water, Buxue Yang and Populus tomentosa pine Puccinia have different effects on the spore germination. All extracts of Populus tomentosa within 12h after inoculation inhibited the spore germination, while the Buxus Yang ether extract promotes the spore germination, while the rest inhibited the spore germination. All water extracts showed inhibitory effect 12h after inoculation. Inoculation 12 ~ 24h, 2 kinds of poplar leaf n-butanol extract on the spore germination rate have a certain degree of promotion.
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