康复——脑瘫患者的福音 兼答甘肃李志强、江苏刘一线、广西阳晓斌等

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脑瘫(脑性瘫痪的简称)是指脑部在发育完成前,因多种原因使脑组织受伤变性所留下来的后遗症,它主要表现为肢体的瘫痪和其它一些伴随症状。脑瘫是导致儿童残疾的主要疾患,在我国的发生率大约在2~5‰左右,以此推算,我国脑瘫患者大约有上百万人。脑瘫的发生有哪些原因呢?首先是出生前的原因。例如,母亲患妊娠中毒症、风疹病毒等感染、患糖尿病、重度贫血、胎盘异常、一氧化碳中毒等等。其二是生产时的原因。例如,早产或难产、窒息缺氧、脐带绕颈、颅内出血等等。其三为出生后的原因。例如,头部外伤、中枢感染、各种中毒、持续抽搐等等。还有一些脑的先天畸型或先天遗传疾病等都可发生脑瘫。脑瘫的主要症状是肢体的运动功能障碍,最常见的为双下肢瘫,其次为四肢瘫、偏瘫、三肢瘫、单瘫等。肌张力表现高的双下肢呈剪刀状态的为痉挛型,协调性差有不自主动作的为手足徐动型,肌张力表现低的为弛缓型,平衡功能差的为失调型。严重的患儿不会坐、站、走,双手不能抓物,生活自理困难需人照顾。 Cerebral palsy (short for cerebral palsy) refers to the sequelae of brain degeneration caused by various reasons before the development is completed. It mainly manifests as limb paralysis and other accompanying symptoms. Cerebral palsy is the major cause of disability in children, the incidence in our country is about 2 ~ 5 ‰ or so, it can be estimated that there are about one million people with cerebral palsy in China. What are the causes of cerebral palsy? The first is the reason before birth. For example, mothers with gestosis, rubella virus and other infections, diabetes, severe anemia, placental abnormalities, carbon monoxide poisoning and so on. The second is the production of the reasons. For example, premature delivery or dystocia, suffocation hypoxia, umbilical cord around the neck, intracranial hemorrhage and so on. The third is the reason after birth. For example, head trauma, central infection, various poisoning, persistent convulsions and the like. There are some brain congenital malformations or genetic diseases can occur cerebral palsy. The main symptom of cerebral palsy is motor dysfunction of the limbs, the most common is paraplegia of the lower limbs, followed by quadriplegia, hemiparesis, triplegia, single paralysis and so on. Muscle tension performance of the lower extremity was scissors for the spastic type, poor coordination with involuntary movements for the attic type, low muscle tone performance for the relaxation type, poor balance for the dysfunctional type. Serious children will not sit, stand, go, hands can not grasp the material, take care of themselves difficult to take care of themselves.
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“上课!”“老师好!”“小朋友们好!”听,这位老师的嗓音怎么这么稚嫩?哦,原来是刚读小学一年级的妹妹心血来潮,当起了语文老师,正在教我们读词语呢! “” Class! “” Te