闻名全国的常熟碧溪镇,如今成为国内瞩目的羊毛衫王国。全镇2.8万人口中,直接和间接从事羊毛衫生产和销售的达到2万人。 羊毛衫编织一直是碧溪镇的传统行业,随着近年来产业结构的调整和民营企业的崛起,碧溪的羊毛衫产销形式发生了极大的变化,由过去“村村办针织厂、集体组织产供销”逐步演变为“原料生产靠集体,成品加工靠个体、销售产品
The bixi town of Changshu, which is known throughout the country, has now become a national sweater kingdom. Of the 28,000 people in the town, direct and indirect wool sweater production and sales reached 20,000. Knitwear has always been a traditional industry in Bixi Town. With the adjustment of industrial structure and the rise of private enterprises in recent years, the production and sales of Bixi’s wool sweaters have undergone great changes. From the past, the village-run knitting factory The collective production, supply and sales gradually evolved into “the production of raw materials depends on the collective, and the processing of finished products depends on individuals and sales of products.”