人工流产时,受术者多存在着不同程度的下腹部疼痛,常常出现人工流产综合反应.为了预防和减少人工流产反应综合征的发生,缩短手术时间,缓解病人疼痛.我们于手术前采用的卡因浸润麻醉颈管法.取得较好的临床效果,报告如下:1 对象和方法1.1病例选择及分组对1995年7月至12月在我院门诊人工流产的孕妇,按日期顺序随机选择妊娠6~10周初孕妇和复孕妇分为两组,A组为的卡因麻醉组(用药组),B组为扩宫组(对照组),用药组150
Abortion, the subject there are many different degrees of lower abdominal pain, abortion often appear comprehensive response.In order to prevent and reduce the incidence of induced abortion syndrome, shorten the operation time and ease the patient’s pain.We used before surgery Caesarean anesthesia neck method.Get good clinical results, the report is as follows: 1 objects and methods 1.1 case selection and group July 1995 to December in our hospital for abortion pregnant women, according to the order of random selection of pregnancy At the beginning of 6 ~ 10 weeks pregnant women and pregnant women were divided into two groups, A group of caffeine anesthesia group (medication group), B group of Palace expansion group (control group), medication group 150