患者女,22岁,未婚。20年前发现两侧腹股沟均有1肿块,右侧肿块可还纳入腹腔。1990年3月在外院诊断为右侧腹股沟疝。在行疝囊修补术中见疝内容物是单角子宫和卵巢。卵巢表面结节状,拟诊肿瘤而切除送我科病检,单角子宫送回腹腔。病理检查:1侧卵巢,45 cm×2.5 cm×2 cm大小,切面见敌个小囊腔。直径有0.3~0.5 cm,镜下见卵巢多发性囊性滤泡。1990年4月,患者又困月经未初潮,左
Female patient, 22 years old, unmarried. 20 years ago found a groin on both sides of the tumor, the right mass can be incorporated into the abdominal cavity. In March 1990 in the outer courtyard diagnosed as the right inguinal hernia. Hernia repair in the line hernia content is single horn uterus and ovary. Ovarian surface nodules, to be diagnosed with tumor and sent to our department for disease detection, single horn uterus back to the abdominal cavity. Pathological examination: 1 ovary, 45 cm × 2.5 cm × 2 cm size, see the enemy face small cysts. Diameter of 0.3 ~ 0.5 cm, see the ovarian multiple cystic follicles. In April 1990, the patient again had irregular menarche, left